Tending the land & gathering community around responsible stewardship.
Waihunahuna slopes down from the ridgeline above the Kalihiwai River valley, encompassing the Kalihiwai Reservoir, nestled near the base of the Namahana mountains in the ahupua’a of Kalihiwai, Halele’a, Kaua’i, Hawai’i.
1A. ‘ULU
Artocarpus altilis
This ancient place-name contains two parts: wai refers to fresh water and huna refers to hidden or secret.
Colocasia esculenta
Whether this translates to hidden spring, as the innumerable water table seepages may suggest, or the shimmering quality of the misty rain, it's clear that this place is special.
Land stewardship for future generations.
Waihunahuna Foundation is implementing practices to generate more life & beauty in this sacred place.
Our projects.
Forest gardens
We seek to be responsible stewards of Kalihiwai Reservoir, for all life downstream.
Bambusa multiplex
Watershed health
Forest gardening is a tradition that has been practiced throughout Polynesia for countless generations.
Hahai no ka ua i ka ululaʻau.
Plant a forest and the rains will follow.
Interested in getting involved?
Community is at the heart of what we do here. Find out how you can get involved and enter into relationship with this unique place we call home.
Mangifera indica